Reflecting on a year

Love letter for 2017 New Years Eve. 💗💗
Reflecting on triumphs, loses, happy, sad, confused, angry, loved, grief stricken times....... it's been a year of lots of different emotions, a year that i have learnt a lot about myself and others, a year full of growth, a year when 'black' humour has got us through, a year where we realized nothing lasts forever, a year where we lost our beautiful, gentle, gracious, kind loving father, a year where we have laughed, a year of great triumphs....It's been a year like no other really.
So when you look back on your year, what have YOU learnt about yourself and others? It's a great time for reflection and growth.
Looking forward...I wish YOU enough. (I LOVE this saying and just reread it again this morning) it says it exactly how it should be. Enough LOVE, kindness, fun, lessons, triumphs....that YOU need to be the best version of YOU.
My biggest LOVE to you all today and thank you so much for your kindness, support and love this year.
LOVE Steph xxxxx


Calming our 'inner chatter'


Count your blessings