Love letters
These letters are my personal thoughts and visions that fill my days. They are an insight in a world that sometimes we don’t talk about. My Love Letters validate how we feel and hopefully soothe a wounded heart. They are full of LOVE and I wish the words on page to create comfort and maybe to think a little differently about things. We all need more LOVE!
Love Steph xx
Love Letter for a Monday.....Finding my/our way 12 months on.
Love Letter for a Monday.....
Finding my/our way 12 months on.
Hard to believe it is 12 months since we lost the human presence of our Franny.
So difficult, still so raw in so many ways, so blest to have had her in our lives.
My heart so heavy at times and then the tears roll. Then the laughter of funny stories retold. Grief is such a personal space and one that can not be judged by yourself or others. There is no right or wrong way to do it.
I look for the signs from our Franny to help carry me on the days when I find it hard to breath and the realisation of the finality of it all. No, she is not coming back here but she is in my everyday; my heart, she's in the sunset and sunrise, she's in the moon, she's the Eagle on our hill, the black cockatoo at Rockfield, she's in every feather I find, she's holding my hand when things are tough, she's in every pair of boots I buy, she's in my studio, she's helping my children rise to the challenges of life, she's in the firey conversations and debates, she's in every emerald green tile......she's here in a way, not the way we want her but she is here. And that is the hardest thing to bare sometimes.
We love and miss you Franny.
Love Steph xxxxx