Supporting others
Love Letter for A Saturday - Supporting Others xx
What a vision this was this morning. The call from mumma cows to their calves, from friends to friends, guiding the way, to change direction, moving onto another path......maybe saying in their 'cow language' that there was a little more grass over the hill! Who knows?
It did make me think of how we support eachother. This week i have seen many examples of people helping others and it lays so much faith in the human race. I think we naturally do want to give and support others and how this is depicted is quite different for each person. Small acts of kindness leads the way for making a change in people's days and lives. Just like the procession of these beautiful cows with their calves (these are my lovely parents in laws cattle) we too can support and show the way. It doesn't have to be big things, a gentle reassuring hug, a smile, a cup of tea or just listening more and maybe talking less. We don't need to solve problems just be a listening ear, quite often that is all that is needed. As i have said many a time. We are all on different journey's and until we walk in another's shoes we really don't know what their lives are like. But we can "be there", we can support in the best way we know how and it is as easy and as hard as that sometimes!
My love and support to you this beautiful Saturday.
Love Steph xxoo