Love Letter for a Monday - Choosing to do what makes your heart sing!
I was up early this morning, walking and then painting. So i started myMonday doing exactly what makes my heart sing! When i walk into my studiospace, my breathing slows down, my muscles relax and this is where my body andmind are at home. I am at peace.
I have a ritual that goes with my studio practice. I walk in, say hello to aphoto of my dear beautiful Da, bless myself with holy water and say what do ineed to create today. And then i start, sometimes knowing what i am going tocreate other times i am being lead. Always knowing it goes where it needs togo.
This morning i have a landscape in mind, a piece that i painted over, so thereis great texture! I quite often add lots of layers, it resembles life really.
This is my love, my passion, my joy and i have chosen to make this part mycareer. I have my wellbeing workshops and my teaching and these too are mychosen careers. I am blest and i am encouraged by the fact that these thingsall make my heart sing. They fill my well and i place my time, my money, mymind and body into creating and making these areas successful.
When you choose to do what makes your heart sing you are sharing your giftswith others and you are also choosing to honour yourself.
My life is full of these moments plus a few lessons that help me to grow, someof these quite difficult at times.
It's taken me a while to get to this point but i am now at a place where iam at peace and i am doing what makes my heart sing! This year has been a yearwhere so many have had to rethink their careers or have lost their careers. Ithas been very tough and still is for many people. I have found it soencouraging that people have made decisions based on what they have learnt andalso taken that leap of faith and restructured their lives to embrace morefamily, friends and are choosing to do more of what makes their hearts sing!
Ask yourself today, " What makes my heart sing?"
My love to you all,
Love Steph
Ps Need a bit more love? Read more love letters on my site. Xx