Love letter for a Saturday life, rejuvenation and hope.

This morning as i walked out of our garden to go for my morning walk, i was struck by the blossom beauty on this apricot tree. In the last 2 days it has absolutely flourish bringing with it such delicate beauty. Nature continues to amaze me. There has been such a lack of rain and hence moisture levels are low in the soil but still this apricot tree blossoms, depicting new growth and hope.
To me this is a sign of hope. If we lose hope we have nothing. Hope keeps us going, hope lifts us from despair, hope carries us when things are tough. Hope can be a life line. We just need to keep looking for that silver lining in all we do and all we come across. I know it's easier said than done sometimes but the alternative doesn't help us. Whatever we give our energy to, 'grows'. Whether it's positive or grows.
To help us here we need to be ever so careful who we spend our time with and what we do with our time. Make an effort to hang with your 'cheerleaders', the ones that tells us a good yarn to make us laugh, the ones that are constructive with their criticisms and the ones that are our helpful consistent friends.
Make an effort to do something you love each day or once a week. It helps us with all the mundane jobs.
Think of this beauty, the growth even in hard times in this apricot tree. Use it as a symbol, use it as a catalyst for the way we choose to think. This delicate beauty is fleeting and may produce apricots in the summer months. 'It's hanging in there' and we will too. Xx
My love and hope to you all on this bright Saturday morning. Love Steph xxoo


What lies ahead. Xx


Layers of life