What lies ahead. Xx

Love letter for a Wednesday. ❤

This morning walk captured so many sites, feelings. To take you there....the light breeze caressed my face, warmish but still a hint of fresh. The dead grass cruntching under my boots, the smell of summer coming, the sound of so many birds and the distant hume highway noises. The taste of the ruminates of my warm lemon water before i left the house. I captured the scene this morning as i love the morning light and the colours it throws. Being an artist, my eye is drawn to colours, shapes, shadows and silhouettes.
One of the things i love about going walking in the morning is that i mentally prepare for my day. It helps add perspective on events and experiences, past present and future. I highly recommend this as part of your own self care.
We can't control what's ahead. We can pop things in place, we can plan but essentially we don't have control.
In this image, the sun is on my back, warming and comforting. What lies ahead is a long, tall shadow of me. The shadows of Butter and Bobby, my walking companions. Interestingly enough i saw the shadow of Bobby as similar to the #blackdog symbol. What lies ahead is the happy, sad, hard, cherrished and precious times. Maybe these shadows encompasses all of this. Then the 3 of us are surrounded by this beautiful morning glow of the new energy of another day.
I know there are many that are finding a lot of things tough at the moment. I also know that we are all very resilient. I know that we can't totally control what lies ahead but i also know that if we try to add some self care (walking, exercise, laughing with friends, talking to others, doing what we love, changing our scenery for a few hours or days, eating well and drinking water) it makes what lies ahead, the known and unknown, much less daunting.
My love to you this morning,
L❤VE Steph xxoo
Ps if you would like to read past Love Letters, link in my bio on instagram and on my site www.stephaniecorkhillhyles.com


"Sink or Swim! XX


Love letter for a Saturday morning....new life, rejuvenation and hope.