Love Letter for a Wednesday - Partnerships
(excuse the hornet nest remains!!)
We have a beautiful song filled Thrush nesting in the corner of our verandah. I have been lying low these last few days. I have been hearing the beautiful calls each morning and continuously during the day. I was sitting with Hylesy at the bench in the kitchen just now and I saw another Thrush sitting on the table on the verandah, calling to its mate. It then flew up and they exchanged the job of sitting on the nest. Hylesy quickly said, “It’s a partnership”. How true is that! It was the most beautiful exchange, a bird song call to say I’m coming in and then a quick change over. It was such a delight to watch. Nature constantly amazes me and I find myself in awe of it.
When we first moved here 14 years ago, they were nesting in the same spot. We then got 2 cats and the Thrushes disappeared! They came back last year and have been here since then. So beautiful to see and hear them again.
Last year we watched on as the two baby Thrushes took their first flight, tears in my eyes and the kids thinking I’ve gone mad again, I wished them well! (a reminder to the kids that it’s the simple things we must keep an eye on!) I’m excited to see again this year the celebration of the First Flight!
This wonderful ‘partnership’ reminds me of our own partnerships in life. To be in a partnership is to see each other on the same level, the same amount of value is placed and there is a respect and appreciation for one another. I think sometimes people find it difficult to treat others equally. To not see them as a threat and to not give away too many hints of the trade etc. To try to help when you can and give in a way that is totally for the good of that person is such a gift. Let’s try this more! Also being mindful before entering into partnerships that they are heading in the same direction as you are with the same value system is super important too.
Here’s to wonderful uplifting partnerships today.
Love Steph xxoo
PS Keep an eye and ear out for these beautiful song filled birds. Their call is magical!
#loveletter #wednesdaythought #wellbeing #thrushbird #stephaniecorkhillhyles #naturesgifts