Love Letter for a Friday - Let the Light shine in…..

Each morning I go for a walk with our 4 dogs, Butter, Bobby,Jess and Tinny. They are my walking companions and they wait for me at our backdoor to come out, say good morning and then let’s go! They run with so muchenergy and excitement, it really does make my morning and motivates me to gofor a walk. I am incredibly grateful for these morning walks as it enables meto see the beauty that surrounds me and gives perspective on anyworries/thoughts that I have.  I walkalong our dirt road towards our woolshed, go through a corner wooden gate andthen make the slow incline up a noticeably big hill behind our home. I lovefeeling my muscles stretch and strengthen, knowing they are becoming stronger.There will be the odd wallaby or kangaroo standing tall proud on a rock and themorning song of the magpies and kookaburras. By the time I reach the top thesun is just coming over the Coppabella Hills and it is a sight to be seen. Ittakes my breath away and I am filled with gratitude for where we live and thankfulfor another day.

I captured this scene this morning and it was a reminder tolet the light in. At the moment there is so much uncertainly, and we are notsure day to day what will take place. I really think if we stay kind,thoughtful of ourselves and others, giving when we can, we can get throughthis. Though we really need to be mindful of others. Our 4 children went backto school this week and that makes me feel quite lonely after a beautifulschool holiday together. They are full of light, love, laughter, generosity ofspirit and mindful of others. They are resilient and that helps me beresilient! There are the shadows, the bare branches, the shimmer of the lightcoming through and in all of this there is beauty to be seen and embraced. Wedo need to focus on the things that are going well, the things that makes ussmile and laugh, the ideas that are coming into place from such difficulttimes……it is up to us to do what we can and be what we can…the rest is out ofour hands.

My love, encouragement, and kindness to you all today,

Love Steph xxoo


Love Letter for a Wednesday - Partnerships


Love letter for Mothers xxoo