Love letter for a Monday Morning- The Ripple Effect! Xx
This morning as i strolled along on my walk, i reflected on the last week. I think this last week was jam packed with every emotion i can think of. Lots of highs and lows and not a lot of middle ground. Abit of a roller coaster really. Life seems to do this sometimes, shaking it up abit! I try really hard not to concentrate on the things that bring me down but sometimes it's hard. This is when people's words and actions and your own of course are super important. The 'Ripple Effect' is in full swing! When a kind word is spoken, it fills our hearts with light and we pass that light onto's a beautiful thing. We all do and say things sometimes we are not proud of but own your behaviour and say sorry. This is equally as powerful.
I think it's so important to be mindful of every word spoken and action taken. We have a choice in how we make others feel and we need to choose well.
My love and thoughts with all this week, love Steph xxoo