Love letter for a Tuesday - In times like these...

Love letter for a times like these. This beautiful sun of ours still rises and still sets. Xxoo
What a strange time for us all at the moment. All of a sudden we have free time as all our events/social outings have been cancelled and we are finding ourselves staying at home. Having to spend time with ourselves and/or eachother. Xx
Last month we were saying, "Time is going so fast", "I can't believe we are this far in the year already", "There are not enough hours in the day" .....and it keeps going.
Maybe we need to look at this time as a time to take a breathe, read that book, write that thank you letter, plant that new garden bed, start meditating, ring a friend, clean and tidy your cupboards, take up singing and dancing around the house, use the groceries that you have in your cupboard and freezer........ i know we still need to work and there are many people that will be effected by this #coronavirus and #socialisolation. We just need to do what we can and be mindful, protecting ourselves and others as best we can. I do feel very much for lots of people in our communities at the moment, the food vans at the shows, musicans, comedians, our health care workers, shop keepers just to mention a few.
We can use this time as a time to appreciate what we do have, where we live, we can use this time to look at our lifestyles, businesses, day to day living, how we relate to our children/spouses/parents/friends.
My beautiful Father use to say, "We need to get back to milking the cow", meaning that we need to slow down. Well this is a 'forced' slow down.
It is all about our perspective. We need to look after eachother, be kind, only buy what we need, share with others, think of others, be responsible with our own hygiene, space etc. (I am finding this tricky as i am naturally a hugger!!) But i am getting used to waving and keeping my distance.
Thinking of you all and sending my love, good health and thoughts.
#stephaniecorkhillhyles#loveletter#health #coronavirus #socialisolation #socialhealth
#lookaftereachother❤️ #keepsafe#gogently


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